I am a Mother of two funniest kiddos ever... I am also a Photographer... I try to make each day count and take it as it was the last one. I started taking photos of kids about 15 years ago. My brother gave me my first (real) 35 mm film camera right about that time. I have taken countless number of photos and just when my kids were first born I decided to take photos of newborn babies. Now 10 years later, I have done countless newborn photoshoots, And for those that ever saw behind the scenes know that it takes practice to know how to pose these little people, how to hold them, and how to help them sleep through it all. I love everything about newborn babies; their smell, their purity, every time I get to hold them I am amazed with how perfect God made each and every one of them. This is one of the reasons why I have focused on newborn photography. That, and the fact that it let's me hold these for hours, otherwise I would want 10 of my own :)
Now a little bit about me. Where do I start... I love everything about kids. They are full of joy, energy, curiosity little people. I so enjoy meeting every family that chooses me as their photographer; all families are unique, they all have their own story. I love newborn sessions because I get to hear the amazing birth stories, I get to see the love between a parent and their new baby, new love, new experience that nobody is prepared for, yet these that are blessed to be a parent, experience. Parenting is such a gift, however such a huge reponsibility.
I am addicted to coffee. Good coffee. It's mostly what makes me going early in the morning after sleepless nights working and taking care of my babies. Smell of coffee with cinnamon makes me just ... hmmm... warm and fuzzy inside :)
I love cold weather, snow, book in my hand and a warm blanket. Well, and coffee of course. Or hot chocolate. Or tea.
I love hiking, skiing, fireplaces. Anything really that has to do with mountains and winter. You might wonder.... Yes, I live in Florida! I love traveling. I have travelled quite a lot in my past, not as much since my babies were born, but I am starting to take them more places now that they are a bit older. And they love it, I can tell already. My kiddos are happy and always ready to 'go' and 'do'. I never hear 'why do we have to go there' or 'are we there yet' or 'can we stay home and watch TV'. My little 'adventure munchkins'. :)
I was born and raised in Poland, came here to go to college, and the rest is just history... I am blessed beyond words...